Thursday, December 26, 2019

Essay about Should We Legalize Marijuana in Canada

To Legalize or to Not Legalize: The Debate Behind Marijuana in Canada The legalization of marijuana is an issue that consistently discussed and debated, not only in North America, but throughout the entire world. Despite being illegal in every country, marijuana remains the most widely used illicit drug in the world. The popularity of this drug is the cause for the continuous legalization debate, resulting in various legislations pertaining to the consumption of the substance. Every country has its own stance on the issue, however, the Netherlands has a unique policy on marijuana use: it is decriminalized, classified as a soft drug and possession is limited to 5 grams in public or 30 grams in a private area. There are also Dutch†¦show more content†¦In addition, legalization would create a plethora of new job opportunities in various sectors such as: agriculture, transportation, distribution and retail. These jobs would be created as the government would begin to produce and regulate the sale of marijuana. Legalization could also potentially reduce legal costs associated the persecution of those involved in the purchasing and sale of marijuana. Law enforcement services would no longer be required to heavily persecute marijuana usage, thus resulting in the opportunity for those resources to be used elsewhere. Marijuana would create new avenues for government income and saving, therefore positively contributing to the economic health of the nation. Illegal drug sales/trafficking is one of the greatest sources of income for organized crime, and will continue to be so as long as they remain in control of the drug market. By legalizing and regulating the sale of marijuana, this income stream for organized crime would be heavily impacted. Criminals rely on the massive profits produced by the low supply/high demand trend that is currently seen in the drug black market. Once legalized, there will be plenty of legal producers and suppliers, which would result in the price per unit of marijuana to dip significantly. Since legal suppliers will most likely have the resources to produce better quality product with better prices, the black market producers may not be able to compete.Show MoreRelatedShould Marijuana Be Legalized? Essay1520 Words   |  7 PagesMarijuana was first criminalized in 1923 when it was added to the narcotics act. In 1971 the LeDain commission recommended the decriminalization of simple possessions of marijuana, followed by the legalization of medical marijuana in 2001. Currently, the liberal government is taking steps towards their promise, to legalize marijuana, made during the 2015 election. Currently, there are laws that regulate the use of marijuana in Canada. It is illegal to possess or sell marijuana for non-medial purposesRead MoreMarijuana Prohibition Canada1372 Words   |  6 PagesThe Controlled Substances Act (Marijuana Prohibition) CLN-4U Unit One Essay Cailey Bazik CLN 4U – Unit One Essay Controlled Substances Act Marijuana Prohibition The Controlled substance act pertaining to Marijuana has been a long on going battle as to whether marijuana should be legal in Canada and taken out of this act. The law behind the drug has a long history and many failed attempts at decriminalization. There are both positive and negative effects to this law, but I believe theRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1579 Words   |  7 PagesLegalize Marijuana Marijuana consumption has become a very prominent sub-culture within the United States with users including virtually everyone from teenagers to the elderly people. Some individuals use it because they enjoy the feeling they get from smoking or eating it, whereas others use it for medical reasons. 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Many Canadians take part in the use of marijuana which has been illegal in Canada since the early 1900s. The topic of marijuana legalization in Canada has been a highly controversial topic over the last century. It has been discussed recently in the news due to Washington and Colorado both voting to legalize marijuana in November of 2012. The Liberal and Conservative partiesRead MoreIt Is Time to Legalize Marijana1700 Words   |  7 PagesLegalize It! Growing up, everyone is told that, â€Å"Drugs are bad for you,† time and time again. Now as a kid you don’t really understand the reasoning behind it, but you listen to your authority figure regardless. I remember being told this my entire life and even to this very day. But as I got older I realized that people would still use drugs even though it’’s illegal. I could never understand why someone would go against the law and jeopardize their life just to use drugs? The drugRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?951 Words   |  4 PagesMarijuana is the mixture of dried, shredded flowers and leaves that comes from the hemp plant. It was brought over from Europe to North America around the 1600s. American production of hemp was encouraged by the government in the 17th century for the production of rope, sails, and clothing. Everyone thinks that marijuana is a harmful drug, but it has not been fully researched, we are still discovering new things from it every day. In the United States and around the world, scientists extract chemicalsRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1224 Words   |  5 PagesLegalizing Marijuana Many different web pages and read over the information that they provided and this is what is found. The debit for this topic is all over the place some say we should some say we should not legalize marijuana. The three main topics that will going to go more into depth with are the medical benefits, monetary benefits and the renewable benefits. But first, let a bit about marijuana, so other names for it is weed, herb, pot, grass, bud, ganja, Mary Jane to name a few. Marijuana can beRead MoreLegalization Of Marijuana For Recreational Use1071 Words   |  5 Pages2017 Legalization of marijuana for recreational use in Canada The Federal Government promises to legalize marijuana in Canada. But it should be revised in accounting to those pot legalization strategies and results gained in other parts of the World. I do not agree with the fact that Marijuana should be legalised for recreational purposes in Canada because there are short term and long term effects which affect both the individual and the society in a negative manner. If we look upon an individualRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?985 Words   |  4 PagesLegalize Marijuana Despite what people believe about marijuana, it hasn’t once proved to be the cause of any real issue. It makes you wonder what the reason as to why there is a war on drugs. Why is marijuana the main concern? Since the time that alcohol and tobacco became legal, people wonder why marijuana isn’t legal yet. The fact that marijuana is illegal is mainly caused by the amount of money, jobs, and pride invested in the drug war. Once the government starts anything, they stick to it. At

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Ethical Codes Of Human Research Ethics - 1035 Words

Another key development of Psychology as a science was the implementation of ethical codes of conduct in regards to both humans and animals. Milgram’s (1963) obedience experiment prompted various issues related to human research ethics. In Milgram’s initial experiment, participants were asked to electric shock others in order to test their level of obedience to an authority figure. According to the British Psychological Society (BPS) Code of Human Research Ethics (2010), Milgram put the studies participants at more than minimal risk as the research brought on visible levels of psychological distress and anxiety – some participants were noted to be trembling and sweating, and three participants had uncontrollable seizures (Milgram,†¦show more content†¦The monkeys used showed clear signs of emotional distress, and the results were not generalizable to humans, meaning that the research was meaningless and therefore discouraged by the American Veterinary Medical Association (n.d.). This is further supported by the BPS Code of Human Ethics (2010) principle of Social Responsibility, which states that psychological research must be beneficial, and psychologists themselves have a duty of welfare to human and non-human beings. In order to avoid unnecessary experimentation in the UK, the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 (Elizabeth II, 1986) was enacted, which states that all researchers who wish to use animals in experiments must apply for three specific licences (personal, project and establishment). Their proposal must include the justification of the cost to the animal against the potential benefits of the research, as well as detailing efforts made to use non-animal alternatives, reduce the number of animals used and to refine the experimental methodology to reduce any potential suffering (Russel and Burch, 1959). The Secretary of State may then approve or reject the licence applications/proposal. Furthermore, the Nation al Centre for the Replacement Refinement Reduction of Animals in Research (NC3Rs, 2010) published the Animal Research: Reporting of In Vivo Experiments (ARRIVE) guidelines, which are used to improve research conditions for animals (e.g. improve the design, analysis etc.)Show MoreRelatedCode of ethics serves as the moral compass that directs and guides the integrity, values, and1500 Words   |  6 PagesCode of ethics serves as the moral compass that directs and guides the integrity, values, and beliefs of an organization. A code of ethics clarifies to employees what the company stands for and its expectations for employee conduct (Daft, 2013). A well-written code is a true commitment to responsible business practices in that it outlines specific procedures to handle ethical failures. 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Conducting social research, without proper use knowledge pertaining to the code of conduct is violating human rightsRead MoreNational Association Of Social Workers1191 Words   |  5 PagesNational Association of Social Workers (NASW) Code of Ethics Overview National Association of Social Workers created a Code of Ethics to determine how and when social workers should conduct their work to ensure clients are being treated effectively. The mission of social workers is to enhance human well-being and help to meet the basic human needs of all people. (National Association of Social Workers, 2008) Social workers fundamentally focus on the forces that create, contribute to, and address

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Survival Analysis and Regression Models †Free Samples to Students

Question: Discuss about the Survival Analysis and Regression Models. Answer: Introduction This research is aimed to critically appraise the statistical method used in the selected paper and suggest the alternative analysis if there are any which can be performed. The current review paper has been organized in four different parts. The first is devoted to explain the data and research method used in the study. In the second section the results from the selected paper has been reviewed followed by the major limitation of the paper in the third section. Finally in the fourth section the alternative analysis method has been discussed. For the study, the researcher has picked up random sample of 211 Japanese women who were born in United States. Also the Japanese women who migrated from Japan to United State were also included in the data set. In the sample respondents in the age group 18 to 49 were included. This is the appropriate age group for the analysis, as the women younger than 198 years and more than 49 years are not expected to face partner violence, except in some cases. Also the author argued that the upper age limit was fixed as the systems of posttraumatic may be different for old females. So, the 211 samples were finally selected after the survey personal interview. The survey was initially sent out to 407 households, but only few households have responded(Yoshihama Horrock 2003). The problem with the data collection in this research paper is that only a certain ethnic group has been selected. The sampling was done on one strata which is Japanese American women. Since, the intimate partner for the samples here could be highly different. Most of the cases it would be a partner from the same ethnic group but few cases may be where the partner is from other ethnic group. So, the way this relationship exists might be little biased in the population. So, it would be difficult to generalize the results from the current study(Teddlie Yu 2007; Daniel 2011). Also, the survey has 52% response rate and the women with higher age were the group who has mostly not responded. Response rate could be been increased by offering some rewards in the form of money, gifts or some other form. But this leads to biasness in the surveys. In this case, the participants were given $20 each. Also the research should have focused on increasing the sample size by distributing the questionnaire to more people. The results are considered to be robust if the sample size is large. Also the results from the analysis can be generalized in case of large sample size. Furthermore, the dependent variable is a dichotomous variable, which flag the respondent whether they have experienced PSTD in their lifetime. In other words the dependent variable will take only the value 1 or 0(George et al. 2014). Also, the time at which they experienced for the first time has been updated for each respondent. Since the researcher is using survival analysis to find out the time the event occurs first, the selection of age group is very critical. Most of the data would be censored since the respondents are yet to experience this kind of event. Inclusion of people at less age might leads to more observations with censored data. One major challenge with the data would be to get accurate time of event for each respondent. Since, the data has been collected at one point time rather than observing over the period of time, it might affect the results. Research methodology Since the nature of the study is to understand the time taken for any event (in this case PSTD) to happen, the researcher have used survival analysis which is one of the most appropriate techniques for this kind of analysis. One of most important task in survival analysis is correctly identify the population and collect relevant data. There are 3 possibilities in terms of data(Cierniak Reimann 2011; Mangal Mangal 2013). Firstly, group of observations where the event has occurred within the period of examination. In this case it is between 18-49 years. Secondly, possibility would be that the respondent is dropped from the study within this period. Last possibility would be the observations where the event did not occurred within the range of study which is basically the censored observations. The data has not been ordered in the above graph but the graph could be provided with the data ordered by those categories. There are three major functions that can be presented in the survival analysis. To get the probability of subjects survival after the time period t survival analysis is used. The hazard function, h(t), is the instantaneous rate at which events occur, provided that no previous events. The CIF (Cumulative Incidence function) at time t would be 1 minus the survival function. In this article the researcher has used SAS functionality to perform the survival analysis. They have used Cox proportional hazard models for the analysis. So, this model has few assumptions that are very critical to understand before go to the results. It assumes the parametric form of the effects of the explanatory variables though it allows an unspecified form of the underlying survival function. This method is used for time to event kind of analysis is non-parametric. This is usually used to describe survivorship of study population. Basically, median survival time is calculated using the method. Also, it is commonly used to compare two study populations. It is a parametric model. It is used to find the relationship between covariates and the hazard of experiencing an event, and a partial likelihood approach to estimate the model parameters. One of most important rule in Cox model ( with time dependent covariates) is similar to that of gambling.g.i.eone cannot predict the future.. This is because acovariate may change according to the past data or outcomes, however it may not reach forward in time (Yoshihama Horrock 2003; Monem A Mohammed 2014). The major advantage of the cox regression models is that it allows comparing the hazards for the different explanatory variables. But the cox model has major assumptions in terms of proportional hazard. In other words survival curves for two strata must have hazard functions which are proportional over the period of time (Monem A Mohammed 2014). Results and discussion Out of all 211 respondents, 115 have reported for having experienced intimate partner violence 30 had experienced PTSD sometime in the past. The CIF plot is given as below. This plot shows that the cumulative probability of experiencing intimate partner violence (IPV) and posttraumatic stress disorder (PSTD) by age of respondent. For the higher age group the probability of experiencing PSTD is also high. Few age groups there is sudden jump in the probability. For example, for the age group 49 the probability suddenly jumps up very high. However, the article has not properly provided the hazard function against each covariate. Graphical presentation of the hazard function would have helped in validating the assumption also to clearly interpret the results. The problem with the analysis is that most of the respondent did not experience the event till 49 years. The assumption that was made for the analysis that most of the women would experience the intimate partner violence during their teens might not be correct. Thorough study on when people start their intimate life (especially for Japanese American group) was not done. Based on the age when their intimation starts then only the time horizon should have decided for censoring. So, out of total population 28% were censored data which makes the analysis biased. The authors direct claim might be valid that PTSD was mainly caused due to intimate partner violence but the article doesnt give any references for the work done to understand other causes of the event. Exploration of other factors should be done. Also, the time of the event might not be completely true. PTSD might have been discovered very late for respondent. Generally, people take time to completely behave on certain way. However, the use of Cox regression with time varying covariate was significant without controlling for other factors. This method is dynamic provides the changing rates of PTSD over the life course as well as the changing number of individuals at risk. Based on the availability of the data, alternative methods could be used for performing the above analysis. This technique, their use limitations has been provided as well (Monem A Mohammed 2014; Lanfranchi et al. 2010). Limitations of the study The study by (Yoshihama Horrock 2003) suffers from several limitations. One of the major limitations is that the research assumed that the PTSD was caused by the intimate partner violence. However if may be the case that the trauma was due to some other reasons not related to PTSD. Similarly the results from both the cox regression and the chi square test showed that PTSD and intimate partner violence are only marginally related. However most of the previous studies have shown strong and positive relationship between the two variables(SABR et al. 2013). The difference in the results is may be the difference in the sample selection. As already discussed in the previous section also sample was collected from only one specific group and also the assumption that the trauma was caused by PTSD only leads to difference in results. A t-test is used to analysis the mean of two population usingstatistical methods. Generally A t-test is used in those cases where the sample size are relatively small. With small sample size t test helps in testing the difference in the samples. Also thevariancesof 2normal distributionsare unknown in case of t test.. T test used the t-statistic value, Degrees of freedom (DF) and the t-distribution to determine the probability of difference in two populations. In case of this test the test statistics is also popularly known as the t statistics. . However if there are more than two variables then the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) test is used instead of t test. Some of the most important assumptions of t test are as follows: Xfollows a normal distribution with meanand variance2 ps2follows a2distributionwithpdegrees of freedomunder the null hypothesis, wherepis a positive constant Zandsareindependent. T-test could be alternative method for comparing the samples time to event for two different groups. But in this case, it will not be applicable as data includes observations which are censored. Since the data is censored iti will not follow the normal distribution. It will be highly skewed. Therefore, t-test is not suited for this kind of analysis. Itis one of the statistical method used to analyze the given dataset with one or 1 or more independent variables to determine an outcome(McCarty Hastak 2007). The outcome in this case is measured with a binary variable. In other words the depennet variable can only take two values. ( The aim of such regression is to find model which fits best in establishing the relationship between dependent and independent variables in the model. The dependent variable is also known as the response or the outomce variable whereas the independent variables is known as the explanatory variable or predictor variable. The assumptions of logistic regression: The conditional distribution y|x is a Bernoulli distribution rather than normal distribution as assumed in linear regression. The predicted values are bounded to (0,1) since the models gives probabilities as output. For the analysis that is performed in the paper logistic regression cannot be used since the event happening is observed over the period of time not by standing at one point. The logistic regression ignores the time factor involved for the event. The time taken for any person to reach to PTSD would be very critical for further analysis. Linear discriminant analysis(LDA) is a generalization ofwhat Fisher proposed as linear discriminant, a method used instatistics. It basically finds alinear combinationoffeaturesthat characterizes or separates 2 or more classes of events. It is used in biomedical studies. During retrospective analysis, patients are divided based on the severity of disease- like severe, mild, and moderate. The results of this analysis provide different significant factors for each group. The logrank test is a statistical test to compare survival distribution of two samples. This technique is mainly used if the data is rightly skewed censored. The groups are defined by categorical covariates. Under the assumption of proportional hazards it will perform better (Indrayan Bansal n.d.; Yoshihama Horrock 2003). References Cierniak, G. Reimann, P., 2011. Specification of Research Strategy and Methodology, Daniel, J., 2011. Sampling Essentials: Practical Guidelines for Making Sampling Choices, SAGE. George, B., Seals, S. Aban, I., 2014. Survival analysis and regression models. NCBI, 21(4), pp.686694. Indrayan, A. Bansal, A., The Methods of Survival Analysis for Clinicians, New Delhi. Lanfranchi, L.M.M.M., Viola, G.R. Nascimento, L.F.C., 2010. The use of Cox regression to estimate the risk factors of neonatal death in a private NICU, Taubate. Mangal, S.K. Mangal, S., 2013. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY IN BEHAVIOURAL SCIENCES, PHI learning pvt. ltd. McCarty, J.A. Hastak, M., 2007. . Segmentation approaches in data-mining: A comparison of RFM, CHAID, and logistic regression. Journal of business research, 60(6), pp.656662. Monem A Mohammed, 2014. Survival Analysis By Using Cox Regression Model with Application. International journal of scientific technology, 3(11). SABR, B. et al., 2013. Intimate Partner Violence, Depression, PTSD and Use of Mental Health Resources among Ethnically Diverse Black Women. NCBI, 52(4). Teddlie, C. Yu, F., 2007. Mixed Methods Sampling: A Typology With Examples. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 1(1), pp.77100. Available at: [Accessed July 9, 2014]. Yoshihama, M. Horrock, J., 2003. The Relationship Between Intimate Partner Violence and PTSD: An Application of Cox Regression With Time-Varying Covariates. Journal of Traumatic Stress,, 16(4), pp.371380.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Operations and Logistics in Riordan Manufacturing Essay Example

Operations and Logistics in Riordan Manufacturing Essay Radians current operations ND logistics and suggestions for improvements will be described. Ordain Manufacturing Operations and Logistics Product Development Product development at Ordain Involves Idea generation, product design, detail engineering, market research and market analysis. This team is responsible for creating, modifying and releasing drawings and word drawings on CAD systems, designing and developing new products, and designing marketing research projects. The operations under product development also include analyzing results, designing and managing. Designing and producing of planned marketing orgasm, evaluating technical and economic factors, recommending engineering and manufacturing actions for attainment of design objectives of process of product is yet another operation under product development assisting in the success of Ordain. Quality Management- Quality team coordinates and directs quality control programs designed to ensure continuous production of products consistent with established standards (Apollo, 2004). Ordain takes quality management serious and the operations, which take place to ensure quality control, quality assurance, and laity Improvement as well as the measures taken to focus on product quality Is extensive and detailed. Operations and Logistics- Logistics team analyze production schedules and determine inbound and outbound logistics needed for assigned plants as well as direct and coordinate program activities with vendors and customers. Logistics team also schedule inbound and outbound shipments, compute freight rates, and direct and coordinate activities of international operations. We will write a custom essay sample on Operations and Logistics in Riordan Manufacturing specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Operations and Logistics in Riordan Manufacturing specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Operations and Logistics in Riordan Manufacturing specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The Warranty Service team receives records and distributes work orders to service crews upon customers quests for service (Apollo, 2004). Operations and Logistics Systems Ordain Manufacturing utilizes two systems In their operations and logistics Inventory System: used to enter material reception Information, processes. material usage, new inventory sub assembly and final product manufacturing, as well products Tanat nave Eden snapped to ten customer. system: Sales department keeps customer order information in this system. The shipping team uses this system to identify which products and quantity must they draw out of the inventory system. Shipping team also records truck number, date and mime of shipment for tracking purposes. A clerk manually enters most of inventory and shipping information into inventory as well customer shipping and billing systems. Material Reception: Receiving area supervisor received materials during the day, then delivers log to inventory clerk at the end of this. Clerk manually feeds the system. Manufacturing: Manufacturing staff completes inventory usage form; inventory clerk manually feeds system with this data. As manufacturing builds products, staff delivers a form to inventory clerk for manually updating the system tit new inventory information. Shipping: Shipping team fulfills orders based on customer shipping and billing system information. Inventory clerk updates inventory system based on what has been shipped to customer. Ordain Manufacturing Recommended Systems Ordain Manufacturing can greatly improve logistics of the process from raw goods to final products. Ideally, Ordain would be able to process under a zero inventory system. A shipment of raw goods would come in once a day to cover all orders for the day. The receiving area supervisor should have a hand held system here he can find the order of products and check off that it has arrived. This would let the manufacturing sector know that the raw goods are available to for use. The computer system, would then replace the need for the inventory clerk at this point in the process. Manufacturing the raw materials into a product will require the inventory clerk to keep track of what is going to manufacturing and assembly verse going to sub assembly and final productions. The inventory clerk should know where these goods are at all times. At the end of the shift the inventory clerk should have a detailed list f where all the products are in the manufacturing process. Orders are called in by the customers and are entered into the customer shipping and billing system. When the order is entered it should trigger a tally into the system that orders the raw materials. When the order is complete in the manufacturing phase it will be shipped out to the customer. When the order is placed on the truck the boxes should be scanned into a tracking system and will be removed from the inventory list. At the end of the day the inventory clerk will verify what the system says was shipped really was sent to the client. Conclusion There are several areas of improvement opportunity at Radians operations and logistics departments. The key is to minimize manual information gathering and move into a more automated system that can track inventory levels, materials placement, and material storage as well as shipment information accurately, seamlessly and in real time. The organization could benefit from the use of RIFF and Bar codes; nevertheless the technology is important but the process as well.